Cover of Аnalysis of non-classically damped structures, methodology and practical results
Publisher: English
Pages: 5
N°: 7
Library: Conference Papers
Year: 2000
File: Non-Classically_Damped_Stuctures

Hits: 1275


The paper presents the analytical method and main approaches that have been used for the four benchmark problems developed by BNL in the scope of the "Benchmark Program for the Evaluation of Methods to Analyze NonClassically Damped Coupled Systems". The full investigation [1] contains the detailed description of implemented Analytical Method, solution for each of the benchmark problem with comments and detailed output results. In general, three methods have been used to resolve the problem. Two Response Spectrum Methods (RSM-I and RSM-II) can be easily implemented in engineering practice from point of view of traditionally available information for purposes of analysis. The complex-mode Time History Analysis has been utilized also to show possible deviation versus applicable engineering efforts.