Effect of strong correlation between response seismic accelerations and its importance for evaluating of general equipment for Reactor building
International Symposium on Seismic Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Facilities. Book of invited and contributed papers. IAEA-CN-106/37P, Vienna, Austria, 2003

- Autors: : Петренко А.В. [Andrei V. Petrenko], Бирбраер А.Н. [Adolf N. Birbraer]
- Publisher: English
- Pages: 4
- N°: 10
- Library: Conference Papers
- Year: 2003
- File: correl
Hits: 1352
This paper deals with the verification of the general assumption used in dynamic analysis of equipment under a seismic excitation — assumption about uncorrelated components of in-structure response accelerations (RA). With the help of examples of seismic dynamic analyses of two reactor buildings (VVER-1000) the violation of such assumption is demonstrated. The reasons for appearance of RA components’ correlation and importance of this effect are discussed.