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Конференция BEM-FEM, Санкт-Петербург, 24-26 сентября 2003
SMIRT 17,Prague, Czech Republic, August 17-22, 2003, Paper N J106
SMIRT 17,Prague, Czech Republic, August 17-22, 2003, Paper N J280
SMIRT 17,Prague, Czech Republic, August 17-22, 2003, Paper N F278
SMIRT 17,Prague, Czech Republic, August 17-22, 2003, Paper N K278
International Symposium on Seismic Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Facilities. Book of invited and contributed papers. IAEA-CN-106/37P, Vienna, Austria, 2003
CVS Research Report, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2001
Transactions of the 16th SMIRT, Washington, USA, August 2001
Transactions of PVP ASME Conference, Seattle, 2000
Transactions of PVP ASME Conference, Boston 1999