Generation of an Artificial Time History Matching Multiple-Damping Floor Design Response Spectra
SMiRT-22, San-Francisco California USA, August 18-23 2013, Sintez

- Автор: Дурновцева С.А. [Svetlana A. Durnovtseva], Васильев П.С. [Peter S. Vasilyev]
- Редактор: English
- Страницы: 10
- №: 31
- Библиотека: Conference Papers
- Год: 2013
- Файл: SMiRT-22_Sintez
Просмотры: 1365
The method of generation of an artificial time history matching multiple-damping response spectra is proposed. The synthesis algorithm based on spectral analysis and multiparametric optimization is adduced. The strong points of developed method in comparison with methods that operate with only one damping response spectrum are discussed through the example of seismic analysis of feed water pipeline.