Обложка Aseismic design and analysis of the primary coolant loop and safety related piping systems of russian design NPP WWER-440
Редактор: English
Страницы: 5
№: 5
Библиотека: Conference Papers
Год: 1999
Файл: Aseismic_Design_and_Analysis

Просмотры: 1426


This paper presents the results of seismic analysis of Safety Related Piping Systems of the typical WWER-440 NPP. The methodology of this analysis is based on WANO Terms of Reference and ASME BPVC. The different possibilities for seismic upgrading of Primary Coolant Loop System (PCLS) were considered. The first one is increasing of hydraulic snubber units and the second way is installation of limited number of High Viscous Dampers (HVD).