During the period of March 22-26, 2015 the WANO Moscow Center arranged a Technical Support Mission on “Qualification of equipment in the "hard" environment and seismic effects” at Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant (Russia).

The mission involved the following experts:
- Oleg Semenenko, WANO Moscow Center;
- German Mamontov, VNIIAES, Russia;
- Igor Varyukhichev, Kola NPP, Russia;
- Pavel Heralecky, Temelin NPP, Czech Republic;
- Victor Kostarev, CKTI-Vibroseism, Russia;
- Biser Radoslavov, Kozloduy NPP, Bulgaria.
The Technical support mission intention was to train the personnel of Balakovo NPP in equipment qualification procedures. The participants discussed the following topics:
- Getting the international experience of qualification of equipment in the "hard" environment and seismic effects;
- Review of existing methods and procedures of equipment qualification by the terms of "hard" environment and seismic;
- Review of approaches to the selection of equipment for qualification;
- Review of methods to increase / maintain the qualification status of equipment. Discussion to create a database, the formation of new requirements to purchase, operation, maintenance and repair.
At the final meeting the experts have discussed and proposed their recommendations towards qualification of equipment under "hard" environment and seismic effects.
Drafted by Oleg Semenenko, WANO Moscow Center